When your supply of stone or gravel begins to deplete, it becomes important to rely on a well-regarded trucking company to ensure you receive your bulk delivery right on schedule. At Osburn Industries, we frequently utilize our Motor City Materials stone and gravel dock to unload, store, and haul these quality materials to customers for a multitude of applications.
Our Detroit Stone & Gravel Dock
Motor City Materials is your reliable Detroit stone and gravel dock, allowing us to import shipments from all over Michigan, Ohio, and Canada to ensure we receive the quality materials our customers need. With hundreds of gradations to choose from, our knowledgeable team members will provide you with information and guidance to determine the most appropriate type of stone or gravel for your specific application.
Trust our team to provide you with the bulk stone and gravel trucking services your company needs. Contact Osburn Industries today for more information about our Motor City Materials stone and gravel dock!